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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 8, Part 1
June 10, 2019
25 cups of coffee OK for heart—REALLY?? California legislature exempts coffee sellers from frivolous cancer lawsuits; Blueberries for heart protection; Stent vs. bypass vs. meds—which is best for heart blockage? Even schizophrenics may benefit from gluten elimination; Millenials on track for unprecedented rates of diabetes, depression and digestive disorders; Civil war plant medicines show potential to eradicate drug-resistant bacteria; Heartburn drugs linked to higher risk of early death. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 8, Part 2

Chicken as bad as red meat when it comes to cholesterol—but does it matter? Decline in mitochondrial function might explain aging, memory loss; Should your daily goal really be 10,000 steps? Angels of death: German nurse, American doctor accused of killing scores of patients; Ironic origin of the meme “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”; Chinese doctors censured for altering DNA to produce HIV-proof babies; Excess Omega-3s in pregnancy may be harmful; Electronic medical records leave legacy of cost-overruns, dysfunction, medical errors, physician burnout. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Good News for Gamers!
June 7, 2019
Good news for all you gamers out there! A study shows technology trains patients to eat less sugar; Restricting carbohydrates at breakfast is sufficient to reduce 24-hour exposure to post-meal hyperglycemia and improve glycemic variability.


Cryotherapy: Reboot the Brain and Body, Part 1
June 6, 2019
Cryotherapy with Dr. Daniel Fenster. How brief bouts of ultra-cold exposure can reboot the brain and body. Dr. Fenster is author of "Cryotherapy: The Secret to Staying Young" and clinic director of Complete Wellness NYC. How is it done? Is it safe? Are there medical contraindications? Why prominent professional athletes are flocking to cryotherapy to address injuries and facilitate recovery; How “thermal stress” promotes autophagy, a key anti-aging pathway; What cryotherapy can do to stimulate production of brown fat—the good, fat-burning kind; The role of cryotherapy in alleviating pain; Cold exposure’s mood-enhancing effects; Its surprising impact on sleep; Can it be used for fibromyalgia or arthritis? Why is it thought that cryotherapy may have cosmetic benefits? How many treatments does it take? Click HERE for part 2.


Cryotherapy: Reboot the Brain and Body, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Daniel Fenster, author of "Cryotherapy: The Secret to Staying Young." Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Burnout
June 5, 2019
Burnout is now a medical diagnosis; Leyla has an article about artificial sweeteners raising blood sugar and contributing weight gain but provides no evidence in her assertions. Where's her proof? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Prostate Biopsy

My urologist wants me to have a prostate biopsy given my PCA3 urine test was a 32 but the MRI was negative. What should I do?; My doctor demanded I go on a statin for my cholesterol and without asking me anything about my diet, said: "Get off the cheese"; How valuable is Apolipoprotein B in predicting heart disease?; Tired of specialists writing prescriptions without listening to the patient's concerns! Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 1, Part 1
June 3, 2019
The latest coffee study tells us that drinking more than 6 cups per day is bad for you; The numerous ways Berberine supports cardiovascular health; Eat like a caveman to avoid cavities; Sulforaphane vs. schizophrenia; Osteoporosis may be a mitochondrial disease; Air pollution may promote behavioral problems in children carrying Alzheimer's risk gene; Glucosamine’s unforeseen benefits for cardiovascular disease prevention; Topical vitamin C for reducing post-surgical scars; Having kids doesn’t age you—it may rejuvenate your telomeres. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 1, Part 2

Don’t fall for those pervasive radio ads for fruit and veggie pills—here’s why; LED lights are long-lasting and energy-efficient—but can damage your retina. Stress and cardiovascular disease; Doctor care lapses with late-day appointments; New malware can alter CT scans and MRIs with fake cancers, or delete real cancers; Depressed patients may get a wake-up call from deliberate sleep deprivation. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: “Skip to my Lou”
May 31, 2019
Going for a morning run? You may want to "skip to my Lou" instead; Influence of an anti-inflammatory diet on gingivitis - a randomized controlled trial.

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