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Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: How to Choose a Probiotic
June 19, 2019
Whenever I eat eggs I get IBS symptoms after my next meal a few hours later. Do I have to give them up?; How good is Robuvit for increasing energy?; Has my weekly migraine kept my heart healthy by forcing me to fast?; What's the difference between Bergamot BPF and regular bergamot? Is one more beneficial?; I'm experiencing tingling in my left arm and sometimes my left leg. Am I headed for a heart attack?; There are so many different probiotics. How do I choose? How should I take them? Click HERE for part 1.


Xylitol: A Natural and Successful Approach to Oral Care, Part 1
June 18, 2019
“Dental Self-Health” and what we can do to gain and maintain great dental health. Studies back the claim that xylitol prevents cavities and is the best option to prevent tooth decay. What about gum disease? What’s the best way to utilize xylitol? Dr. John Peldyak, D.M.D. was a member of the University of Michigan research group investigating sugar substitutes. He also worked with prevention programs for Head Start and Mobile Dentists, and is a founding member of the American Association for Oral and Systemic Health. Click HERE for part 2.


Xylitol: A Natural and Successful Approach to Oral Care, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. John Peldyak, D.M.D, founding member of the American Association for Oral and Systemic Health. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 15, Part 1
June 17, 2019
Paleolithic Spaniards ate mastodon meat 40,000 years ago, were avid for fat-laden bone marrow; The downside of all those branched-chain amino acids; Antibiotics, opiate pain meds too readily prescribed by dentists; Great-grandmother busted for CBD at Disney World; Homeopathic remedy vindicated in court case; Should you eat before morning exercise? Even city parks harbor Lyme Disease ticks. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 15, Part 2

Expensive biologic meds for arthritis, colitis, psoriasis linked to 34,000 deaths; UK’s health watchdogs unjustifiably ration needed cataract surgeries; Learning a language makes your brain grow; Lowering cholesterol too drastically may damage diabetics’ nerves; America is too dependent on China for its drugs; Ashwagandha for osteoporosis; Exercise is beneficial even in short bouts, and sitting isn’t “the new smoking”; Eat nuts during pregnancy to make your kids smarter. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Sickeningly Sweet
June 14, 2019
High-fructose corn syrup's possible role in intestinal cancer; Muscle power, as opposed to muscle strength, might be key to long life.


ENCORE: “Nutritional Medicine,” Part 1
June 13, 2019
Dr. Alan Gaby, the author of "Nutritional Medicine," the most authoritative textbook ever on therapeutic applications of diet and supplements to a multitude of disease states. "Nutritional Medicine" has been 36 years in the making, and the new updated 2nd edition adds 1700 brand new study references, and is now available in a searchable electronic edition. When skeptical MD’s argue “But where are the studies?” the 19,000 research papers cited in "Nutritional Medicine" should allay their reservations. How do subclinical hypothyroidism, nutritional deficiencies, hidden food allergies, and blood sugar instability hijack health? What role for vitamin B6? Are allergy tests a good way to predict what foods you should eat? Dr. Gaby shares skepticism about mega-dosing with two popular nutrients; Is sunlight really better than vitamin D pills? He describes his role in popularizing the “Myer’s Cocktail” intravenous vitamin protocol. Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: “Nutritional Medicine,” Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Alan Gaby, the author of "Nutritional Medicine," the most authoritative textbook ever on therapeutic applications of diet and supplements. Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Chicken v. Red Meat
June 12, 2019
Chicken as bad as red meat in raising cholesterol; How many of your patients with an infected tooth have been able to remedy it through holistic means?; My platelet count has been dropping over the years. Should I be concerned?; Since the nitrate in beetroot needs to be reduced twice in order to get the nitric oxide benefit, do you recommend antioxidants like vitamin C to ensure this outcome? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Barrett’s Esophagus

My oncologist recommended aromatase inhibitors following my mastectomy but I find them intolerable. Anything else I can do?; What would you recommend for my 40-year-old daughter with congestive heart failure?; My most recent DEXA scan showed improvement in my spine and hip but my femoral neck decreased. Why?; My bone mineral density improved greatly with strontium citrate!; My doc says I have to take omeprazole for Barrett's esophagus but it inhibits the absorption of minerals like magnesium. What to do? Click HERE for part 1.

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