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Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Apple Cider Vinegar
February 12, 2020
I have a thyroid nodule. Is there anything I should do before a fine needle aspiration? Is there a natural way to shrink the nodule?; What kind of laundry detergent do you use? I'm having trouble finding one that works.; Could you discuss the benefits, if any, of apple cider vinegar? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 8, Part 1
February 10, 2020
Coronavirus update: Are Chinese officials concealing a biological Chernobyl? Wuhan whistleblower MD, forced by his government to recant his early warnings about the epidemic, succumbs to Coronavirus. Are containment efforts in the West succeeding? Do supplement ingredients from China pose risk to vitamin-takers? How’s this virus different from the Spanish flu that killed tens of millions last century? Exercise quells food cravings; Israel halts mandatory fluoridation; Rush Limbaugh reveals “advanced” lung cancer diagnosis—do new breakthroughs in cancer treatment offer hope for his survival? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 8, Part 2

Soybean oil consumption linked to profound brain changes; How long do you have to be off CBD to make sure a drug test won’t be positive for THC? Apricot pits for cancer prevention? Advances in metabolomics may yield blood tests that pinpoint risk of premature death; CoQ10 vs. BPA toxicity; “Forever chemicals” damage teeth; Hard-partying Keith Richards quits smoking, drugs, booze; “Quick fix” procedure for heavy period bleeding leaves many women in excruciating pain. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Artificial Sweeteners
February 7, 2020
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin tackles this listener question: "I know we should avoid wheat in breads, cookies, etc., but what about wheat products with nutritional value like wheat germ?" Plus, maternal low-dose aspartame and stevia consumption alters metabolism and gut microbiota in rats and their offspring.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Update on Coronavirus
February 5, 2020
Update on Coronavirus; Do you still recommend it?; I use eye drops for dry eyes but what can I take for the twitch in the upper lid of my right eye?; Why do so many supplements contain folate? Are there any consequences to getting so much?; My husband and I take magnesium daily. Why are our blood levels still low? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Laxative Dependency

I just had a heart bypass operation and my cardiologist wants me to take a PCSK9 LDL inhibitor. Can't I just take more Crestor instead?; Study: Mitochondria found independently living in blood plasma; Do you have any advice for someone with laxative dependency to help restore normal bowel function?; Headline: "Most dietary supplements don't do anything. Why do we spend $35 billion a year on them?" Click HERE for part 1.


Tips to Keep your Heart Strong, Part 1
February 4, 2020
Just in time for February Heart Health Month, heart health expert Jay Levy offers some life-saving tips to keep our hearts strong. He details his top five "life hacks" to achieve and maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle. Click HERE for part 2.


Tips to Keep your Heart Strong, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with heart health expert, Jay Levy. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 1, Part 1
February 3, 2020
Everything you need to know about the Coronavirus outbreak—The good, the bad and the uncertain: World Health Organization declares international public health emergency; air travel to China suspended; Western personnel evacuated; toll vastly under-reported; market crashes on pandemic fears; tens of millions of Chinese under lockdown; do face masks even work? How contagious is it? “Natural cures” touted but FDA and Facebook issue warnings against phony cures; Purell won’t protect you; Vaccine makers rush trials; Potential of antiviral drugs explored; Conspiracy theories abound—is it man-made? Are exotic animal markets the source of contagion? A previous viral scare prompted government to stockpile billions of doses of Tamiflu—now a whistleblower claims Hoffmann-LaRoche knew it was ineffective. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 1, Part 2

Does AHCC work for kids? Is there such a thing as an allergy to vitamin C? Pregnant women who consume artificial sweeteners give birth to heavier babies; We’re running out of antibiotics to treat ordinary strep throat; Resistance training is the key to healthy aging; Berberine vs. colon cancer; Cocoa’s performance-enhancing effects; Seniors who consume mushrooms suffer less cognitive decline. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.

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