Supplements for surgery
The following list of supplements is designed for a healthy patient without complicating medical conditions and one who is not taking pharmaceuticals. You should always check with your physician prior to embarking on any protocol that might enhance or interrupt ongoing therapies.
Stop prior to surgery
Ginkgo biloba
Vitamin E over 400 i.u.
Milk thistle
St. John’s Wort
All caffeine
Supplements to take
Arginine 3 grams a day
A good multivitamin containing up to 50 mg. of zinc and up to 400 i.u. of Vitamin E. Foundation Formula meets these qualifications
Additional Ester C 1,000 mg. three times daily
Acidophilus two capsules, three times daily away from antibiotics
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 500 mg., twice daily
After surgery
Bromelain 500 mg.–five capsules, three times a day
Arnica 6C, three tiny pills or three drops under tongue, three times daily day prior and day after surgery. (Although a recent study casts doubt on Arnica’s ability to relieve effects of trauma.)